Accelerating your business through Innovative SOLUTIONs


Our Industries

Food Delivery

The food industry plays a critical role in feeding the world's population, and it is subject to strict regulations and quality standards to ensure the safety and quality of food products. Key sectors of the food industry include agriculture

Social Media

With Our App, You Can Customize Your Experience And Tailor Your Content Feed To Your Interests. You Can Choose To Follow Users And Topics That Interest You, And Our App Will Deliver Relevant Content Directly To Your Feed.


Our healthcare solutions include electronic health records (EHRs), telemedicine, medical imaging, and clinical decision support systems. These solutions help healthcare providers to streamline their workflows, reduce errors.


we offer a range of educational services designed to help individuals and organizations develop the skills they need to succeed in today's rapidly evolving technology landscape.

Real Estate

Our real estate solutions include property management software,3D modeling, & mobile applications. These solutions enable real estate professionals to manage properties, showcase properties to potential buyers ,provide real-real-time update


Our e-commerce solutions include online storefronts, shopping cart software, payment gateways, and order management systems. These solutions enable businesses to sell products and services online, process payments securely, and manage order


Our fitness solutions include fitness tracking apps, wearable devices, and virtual personal training sessions. These solutions enable individuals to track their fitness progress, receive personalized coaching, and stay motivated.


Our dating app also includes secure messaging and video chat features that enable users to communicate safely and comfortably with potential matches, without revealing their personal information until they are ready.

On Demand Services

Our on-demand services are designed to provide a seamless and personalized experience that is tailored to the needs of each customer.

Home Services

We are a trusted IT company that offers a variety of IT solutions for residential customers.

Taxi & Transportation

At AppCrunk, we understand the importance of efficient transportation solutions, and we're here to provide you with a comprehensive platform that connects you to top-notch taxi services in your area.